TheKieganRosser.com is a website dedicated to the whimsical thoughts of Kiegan Rosser. Who is Kiegan Rosser, you may ask?Who is Kiegan Rosser?

Kiegan Rosser is a 14 year old high school student from Federal Way, WA who was gifted the domain www.thekieganrosser.com for his 14th birthday. Kiegan is the one who is responsible for what you see right now. In a way, you could say he's an evil overlord. But that would be taking it a bit far. One day, when he got annoyed with a web design program that shall not be named, he said "screw it" and decided to learn HTML. When it proved easier than anticipated, Kiegan, being the noble web designer he is, embarked on his journey to make his website. And now, you, anonymous web browser are reading this. Go check out my YouTube channel, which will hopefully start to be updated again soon. Go read my blog, which will also hopefully be started up soon. Or just stare at my face in awe.
Kiegan Rosser, website creator.